Professionalism & Training
The AECEO Certification process supports reflective practice, improves professional skills, and reinforces the values and beliefs that led you to this work. Building an E-Portfolio allows RECEs to demonstrate that they remain current, can respond to personal and professional challenges, and continue to learn.
The Professional Resource Centre (PRC) is designed to successfully meet and respond to the diverse human resource needs of the early learning and child care system. We offer a wide variety of self assessment and learning tools, as well as hands on training that is reflective and responsive. The PRC also is the lead organizer of special events and training for early learning and care in our region and host a community based calendar where events are captured.
The Child Care Network of Waterloo Region (CCNWR) supports leaders in Early Childhood Learning and Care by regularly providing education, information and resource opportunities.
Early Childhood Investigations offers free webinars to early childhood educators. The series is produced by Engagement Strategies, LLC., and presented by leading authors, experts, and leaders.
Early Years Education Ontario Network is a community network designed to enhance the professional knowledge of those who work in the early learning and child care field. They offer continuous professional learning opportunities as well as up to date current research taking place in the ELCC field.
Communities of Relationships and Practice (CRP) and the Networks of Waterloo Region are a collection of individuals that meet regularly to support ongoing work in the sector. These sessions are designed as a place for likeminded professionals to come together and provide the opportunity to share ideas, exchange resources and information. They offer support and create a welcoming environment where you can learn side by side with your peers and coworkers in the field of early learning and care.